Community Service

Rotary strives to achieve its objective of “Service Above Self” through activities in five primary areas. These are often referred to as the Five Avenues of Service.

One Avenue of Service is Community Service. This Avenue relates to the activities that Rotarians undertake to improve the quality of life in their community. Particular emphasis is given to helping children, families in need, the aged, the disabled, and those in vulnerable circumstances. Rotarians strive to promote the ideal of service in their personal, business and community lives.



Here are some of the District 6490 committees within Community Service that help carry out the mission of Community Service:

District Grants Committee 

Chair: Marlys Scarbrough (Champaign)

The committee accepts, reviews, and recommends District grants for approval. District Grants fund small-scale, shorter activities that address needs in our community and communities abroad.

 District Grants are due each year by September 1.

Click here for the 2024-2025 final report form (doc) or final report form (pdf). 

Click here for a summary of the 2024-2025 Grants that were awarded.



Chair: TBD

The Basic Education and Literacy Committee works with clubs to implement local projects such as the high school essay contest, supports international literacy initiatives, and distributes the Cardinal Care Funds.

 PolioPlus Committee

Chair:Mike Gunderson (Champaign)

The committee promotes polio eradication efforts, presents programs on PolioPlus, and helps organize fundraisers for Rotarians and communities. The funds raised in our district support immunization campaigns in developing countries where polio remains a threat.

 Shelter Box USA and Disaster Relief 

Chair: Tom Hodson (Champaign West)

Co-Chair: Mary Hodson (Champaign-Urbana Sunrise)

 This committee raises funds and awareness for   humanitarian relief and aid in the form of equipment and  materials that provide shelter, warmth, and comfort to   people displaced by natural or other disasters.  

The January newsletter is available now.
Click Here to Read.

Rotary District Conference Photos Day 1
Click Here to View the Album.

Rotary District Conference Photos Day 2
Click Here to View the Album.

District Calendar
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