Club Service

Rotary strives to achieve its objective of “Service Above Self” through activities in five primary areas. These are often referred to as the Five Avenues of Service.

One Avenue of Service is Club Service. This Avenue promotes the development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service. It involves the activities necessary to make the club function successfully and achieve its goals.


Here are some of the District 6490 committees that help carry out the mission of Club Service:

Awards Committee 

Chair: Dana Schaumburg (Champaign)

The District Awards Committee recognizes clubs and individuals for their service and contributions to Rotary.

Alumni Committee 

Chair: Liz Skinner, PDG, (Monticello)

The Alumni Committee promotes the life-long association of Rotary alumni (Group Study Exchange members, RYLA, RYE, Peace Fellows, scholars, Interactors, Rotaractors) with Rotarians, clubs, and the district.

Finance Committee 

Chair: Mike Martin, DGE (Mattoon)

The Committee reviews the proposed budget submitted by the District Governor Elect and recommends the per member  dues and special assessments for the next fiscal year before submission to the next PETS, District Training Assembly or District Conference for approval by the presidents-elect.

District Assembly 

Chair: John Calderon, Sr., DGE (Champaign)

This committee offers training and education to club and district leaders. The District Assembly is scheduled for Feb 4th, 2024.

District Conference 

Chair: Mike Martin, DG  (Mattoon)

Scheduled for October 4-5th, 2024 at the Holiday Inn & Conference Center, Champaign, the District Conference will focus on learning, fellowship, service, and fun.

District Trainer 

Adam Ruble (Bloomington-Normal Sunrise)

The District Trainer supports the governor-elect by training incoming club and district leaders during the District Assembly and PETS and throughout the year as requests  for training are received.

Land of Lincoln Presidents-Elect Training 

Chair:John Calderon, Sr., DGE (Champaign)

This committee helps plan, organize, and promote training for all incoming Presidents-Elect and Presidents-Nominee of the clubs for Districts 6490, 6510, 6560, and 6580 in Effingham, IL at the Keller Convention Center.

LOL PETS is always held the third weekend of March in Effingham, IL at the Keller Convention Center. Rotary International requires Presidents-Elect to attend PETS prior to their term as club president. If a President-Elect is unable to attend Land of Lincoln PETS, he or she should make arrangements to attend another Presidents-Elect Training Seminar. (Note the majority of PETS take place before LOL PETS. Please contact the DGE for assistance in registering for a different PETS.) Presidents-Elect, Presidents-Nominee, Assistant Governors, and guests should register at:

Membership Services

Chair: Janet Ellis-Nelson, PDG (Champaign)

The committee works with clubs to retain members and attract new members.

Nominating Committee

Chair: Janet Ellis-Nelson, PDG (Champaign)

This committee seeks Past Club Presidents who have been Rotarians for a minimum of seven years to apply and serve as District Governors. They will interview candidates on November 2, 2024 and select the District Governor Nominee Designate to become the District Governor in 2027-28.

Public Image 

Chair: Bill Whitman, Jr. (Champaign)

The Public Image Committee assists the clubs and district in their efforts to promote Rotary and its activities both internally at the club and district levels and externally to communities  and perspective Rotarians.

Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) 

Chair: Cindy Guthrie (Mahomet)

RLI is a three-part series of one-day courses offered to Rotarians to increase their knowledge of Rotary and improve their leadership skills. It is a great networking opportunity that meets twice a year.

Visioning –Mike Step, PDG (Paris)

This committee helps Rotary clubs create their own unique plan and discover the steps necessary to achieve that future.


4H Memorial Camp Monticello, IL
Application deadline 3-20-2025
Register for RYLA here!

District 6490 2025 Essay Contest
The link below will take you to the contest rules and submission form.
Deadline is March 17th.
Click Here for Forms.

The February newsletter is available now.
Click Here to Read.

Rotary District Conference Photos Day 1
Click Here to View the Album.

Rotary District Conference Photos Day 2
Click Here to View the Album.

District Calendar
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