International Service

Rotary strives to achieve its objective of “Service Above Self” through activities in five primary areas. These are often referred to as the Five Avenues of Service.

One Avenue of Service is International Service. In this Avenue, Rotarians strive for the advancement of international understanding, goodwill and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideals of service. International Service projects are designed to meet the humanitarian needs of people in many lands, with particular emphasis on the most underprivileged children and families in developing countries.

Polio Plus

For over 30 years, Rotarians everywhere have been at the forefront of the battle to rid the world of polio. In that time, polio has been reduced from a worldwide scourge to having a presence in only three countries. But polio is contagious, and it could come flaring back if we don’t keep up the fight. Learn more about the fight against polio or donate to the effort

Polio Eradication Committee 

Chair: Mike Gunderson (Champaign)

The committee promotes polio eradication efforts, presents programs on PolioPlus, and helps organize fundraisers for Rotarians and communities. The funds raised in our district support immunization campaigns in developing countries where polio remains a threat.

  • Check out this PowerPoint outlining the Long Journey to Eradicate This Dreadful Disease, put together by former District 6490 End Polio Now Committee Chair, Fred W. Heilich III. 

Global Grants

Through the Global Grants program, working with Rotarians in the affected areas, District 6490 has carried out humanitarian projects to improve the lives of people in such far-flung places as India, Nigeria, Haiti, Kenya, Jamaica and beyond through education, water projects, medical care and more. Learn more about Rotary International’s Global Grants program.

Download: Apply for a Global Grant or Global Grant proposal worksheet.

These District 6490 committees can help guide you through the Global Grants process:

Global Grants Executive Committee 

Chair: John Hoblit (Clinton)

The committee is responsible for insuring compliance with the policies, Memorandums of Understanding, and reporting requirements set forth by TRF and our District, qualifying clubs each year to participate in Global Grants, recommending approval of requested DDF to the DG and DRFC, approving the District Grant Proposal applications before submission to TRF.

Global Grant Mentoring Committee 

Chair: John Hoblit (Clinton)

This committee assists and advises clubs with writing and submitting grant applications, provides support on reporting requirements and educates and encourages clubs to participate in Global Grants projects.

 Welcome to the Wonderful World of Global Grants!

If your Rotary Club is interested in making a difference, a Global Grant will help you do this. Global Grants promote peace; fight disease; provide clean water, sanitation, and hygiene; save mothers and children; support education; and grow local economies. To learn more about the good Rotary does in the world, and to apply for a Global Grant go to:


District 6490 Global Grant Committee

Ask us for assistance with your grant!

The Executive Committee is composed of the DG team, the DRFC, the GG Chair, plus two additional members who are responsible for:

  1. Insuring compliance with the Policies, Memorandums of Understanding, and reporting requirements set forth by TRF and our District,
  2. Qualifying clubs each year to participate in Global Grants,
  3. Recommending approval of requested DDF to the DG and DRFC,
  4. Reviewing grants before submission to TRF, and
  5. Developing guidelines to simplify the application process.
  6. Official voting and grant approvals are performed at the Executive Committee level.

 The Mentoring Committee is comprised of members who have written and implemented grants who are responsible for:

  1. Assisting and advising grant writers from initial community needs assessments to final reports,
  2. Reviewing grants and compliance before submission to the Steering Committee,
  3. Educating clubs about Global Grants,
  4. Qualifying clubs each year to participate in Global Grants, and
  5. Developing guidelines to simplify the application process.


District 6490 Global Grants Guidelines

District 6490 requires a signed District GG Worksheet, a signed Memorandum of Understanding, annual Club Qualification for participation in a Global Grant, and willingness to share your project through presentations to other clubs or the District and in District newsletter articles. Grant applications should be submitted to the District Executive Committee for review before submission to TRF. Members of the District Global Grants Mentoring Committee will help new grant writers with the grants.

  • District Designated Funds are limited to $10,000 per grant.
  • DDF will be held for 12 months. The grant approved date will be set by TRF determination of one year prior to report due date.
  • Priority for DDF is given to Grants originating in our District.
  • Grant applications are to be submitted to the District Executive Committee for review before submission to TRF. Members of the District Global Grants Mentoring Committee are available to help new grant writers with the grants.


Tips for Successful Global Grants from Experienced District 6490 Grant Writers

Read ALL of the information available on The Rotary Foundation web pages before beginning a Global Grant.

  1. Projects must originate with the Host Rotary Club or Community Corps. The needs must be theirs! 
  2. A Community Needs Assessment must be performed first.  Official documentation of this effort is required for the application.
  3. Relationships, Relationships, Relationships! The relationships grant writers have with the host Rotarians are vital to the success of the projects.
  4. Grant writers and/or primary committee members must be willing to visit the project site one or more times. There is no substitute for being on location in person.
  5. Before committing to a grant, evaluate the dedication of the partners and any NGOs associated with the grant.
  6. Develop a realistic timeline – everything always takes longer than expected. Grants typically take at least a year to plan.
  7. Limit your grant to one area of focus. Impact will touch multiple areas, but for simplifying the application, implementation, demonstrating benefits, and reporting, choose one.
  8. Get to know your TRF Grant Officer
  • Have him or her on board as your grant consultant. Call them. They can help, and your calls keep them up to date - even if things are not going well. They understand!
  • The Grant Officer will help with past, present and future grant success.
  • The Grant Officer will approve your reports for the 6 month and 12 month evaluation. This is a MUST to keep District 6490 current with reports and insure that other clubs within the District can participate in future Global Grants.
  • The Grant Officer is your coach; this assures that your grant will meet Global Grant guidelines and requirements.  Electronic interim and final reporting will be much easier.
  1. Money Matters
  • Establish a separate U.S. bank account for grant funds.
  • Receiving funds from TRF into your club’s global grant account assures the financial responsibility required of international partners.
  • Require two Rotarian signatures from the club. Club members who are bank officers are good choices.
  • Keep copies of all checks, wire transaction receipts, and withdrawals.
  • If you are in the field, find a way to document transactions such as a simple receipt book with copies.
  • Some cash may be used, but written receipts are required.
  • Start your final report as soon as funds are received by keeping these statements organized.
  • ALL monies spent must be for the exact items listed on the budget sheet or approved by your Grant Officer. Items may be purchased from a different vendor as the budget sheet is submitted long before the grant is actually implemented. Talk with your Grant Officer for permission to add an inflation aspect to each item.
  • Budget item changes can be accomplished with your Grant Officer's approval.
  • For the final report you will be required to produce each bank statement from the beginning to the end of grant, no matter how long the grant takes to complete.
  1. Communications
  • Keep a file of all written correspondence and emails between host committee members and primary committee members and with the Grant Officer (email goes directly to Grant Officer’s desk; email is documented in the grant with the Grant Officer’s answer and means a quicker response because questions are attached to your specific grant).
  • Keep a log of all phone calls and discussions.
  • Keep a record of all meeting minutes.
  1. Changes to a Global Grant: modifications, additions or deletions of a Global Grant are made at the GG Executive Committee level.
  2. GG and DDF Authorizations are performed by the District Governor and DRFC once approved by the Executive Committee.

HAVE FUN! Participating in a Global Grant is a wonderful way to experience other cultures, make new friends, and change the world.

Rotary Youth Exchange

District 6490 is very active in the Rotary Youth Exchange program, which involves hosting international students in the U.S. and sending our local students to study abroad. These exchanges have a powerful, lasting impact on the students and host families alike. Learn more about Rotary Youth Exchange.

Rotary Youth Exchange Committee

Chair: Doug Schwalm (BN Sunrise)

This committee assists eligible high school students in applying for and completing a year overseas as Rotary youth ambassadors representing their country, community and Rotary club. Unfortunately, Rotary Youth Exchanges have been suspended for 2021-22 because of COVID.

Other Committees

Here are other District 6490 committees that help carry out the mission of International Service:

Friendship Exchange 

Chair: Surinder Sethi (Normal)

The Friendship Exchange Committee is an international reciprocal exchange program for Rotarians and their families. It provides participants with opportunities to experience other cultures by staying in the homes of Rotarians, visiting their clubs, and participating in the life style and activities of their communities.

Scholarships and Rotary Peace Fellowships

Chair: George Johnston (CU Illini After Five)

The chair serves as a resource for any potential applicants for global grant scholarships who would like to study at institutions in the district. For potential Peace Fellows, the chair helps recruit and select qualified candidates. The chair works with the district alumni chair to involve scholars and peace fellows in alumni activities.

Shelter Box USA Committee 

Chair: Tom Hodson (Champaign West)

 This committee raises funds and awareness for   humanitarian relief and aid in the form of equipment and  materials that provide shelter, warmth, and comfort to   people displaced by natural or other disasters.

4H Memorial Camp Monticello, IL
Application deadline 3-20-2025
Register for RYLA here!

District 6490 2025 Essay Contest
The link below will take you to the contest rules and submission form.
Deadline is March 17th.
Click Here for Forms.

The February newsletter is available now.
Click Here to Read.

Rotary District Conference Photos Day 1
Click Here to View the Album.

Rotary District Conference Photos Day 2
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