District 6490 Rotary Foundation Account




The purpose of the District 6490 Rotary Foundation Account is to receive gifts, bequests, and donations of money and property in support of the charitable objects and aims of Rotary District 6490 to fund local and larger Rotary projects. Contributions fill the gap between projects of The Rotary Foundation (TRF) and projects that are too costly for clubs to fund on their own. The account allows Rotarians and friends to respond to disasters in a timely manner. This account offers Rotarians the opportunity to make bequests for projects of interest to Rotarians in District 6490. It provides an additional option for giving as Rotarians model our motto of “Service Above Self”.


Contributions may be mailed to:

Illinois Prairie Community Foundation

915 E. Washington Street, Suite 2

Bloomington, IL 61701

Or sent electronically via credit card, Electric Funds Transfer (ACH) or online at: https://ipcf.fcsuite.com/erp/donate/create/fund?funit_id=1163.

For assistance with donations of Securities, Life Insurance, Estates/Farmland, Required Minimum Distributions from IRA Charitable Accounts, and Bequests, please contact the Illinois Prairie Community Foundation staff at: www.ilprairiecf.org, 309-662-4477.



Tuscola Rotarian Rick Davidson has issued a Bequest Challenge to fellow Rotarians. Rick will match up to $250,000 in bequests to the Rotary District 6490 Foundation Account. As a member of a small club, Rick sees the District 6490 Rotary Account through the Illinois Prairie Community Foundation as a way to leave a legacy to District 6490 and support small clubs with projects.



Grant requests are received and reviewed by a committee of five District Rotarians including the current District Governor. The Committee shall be designated to work with the Illinois Prairie Community Foundation to carry out the charitable work and activities of the projects. The Committee may submit project proposals describing the specific needs and outcomes of each project for funding consideration by the Foundation. Project proposals should highlight the charitable nature and public benefit of the proposed project. An estimated project budget and/or description of the expected expenses should be included as well as a projected timeline.



Grant applications should be directed to the committee chair Heather Stoa: [email protected]. Applications can be submitted at any time and will be acted upon by the committee within 30 days. Based on the committee’s recommendation, approval will be requested from the Illinois Prairie Community Foundation. Applications are available on the District 6490 Website: https://www.rotarydistrict6490.org/.

2022-23 Grant Application



Grants cannot be used to unfairly discriminate against any group or promote a particular political or religious viewpoint. In addition, grants cannot fund: Fundraising activities; Expenses related to Rotary events such as district conferences, conventions, institutes, anniversary celebrations, or entertainment activities; Public relations initiatives, unless they are essential to project implementation; Project signage in excess of $500. Grants may not be used to reimburse clubs or organizations for activities and expenses already completed or in progress without special approval of the Rotary 6490 Foundation Account Committee.



A Final Report, with receipts for all expenditures, must be submitted within 60 days of the full expenditure of the grant funds.



Chair: Connie Walsh (Champaign)

Committee Advisor: IPCF Executive Director Greg Meyer

Rotary District Conference Photos Day 1
Click Here to View the Album.

Rotary District Conference Photos Day 2
Click Here to View the Album.

The September newsletter is available now.
Click Here to Read.

The process for selecting the 6490 District Governor for 2027–2028 has begun. The Qualifications, Requirements, and Instructions for District Governor Nominees along with the Application and Background forms can be found by Clicking Here to Read. The deadline for nominations is Monday, October 21, 2024. Please email the application to Past District Governor, Janet Ellis-Nelson: [email protected].
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